SAMA sensation!

Not for the first time do I find I am grinning rather insanely to myself and feeling much like I imagine a proud parent would do watching a child collect a certificate at school. But this is so much bigger than school. This is the SAMAS (South African Music Awards) and though I am no parent, I am just so so so so so unbelievably proud of my brilliant friend Jon and his merry band of musicians, Cassette, who this evening were nominated for not 1, not 2 but 3 SAMA awards!!! This, he told me in a slightly tipsy phonecall from the glittering announcement ceremony in Fourways, is second only to the legendary Vusi Mahlasela who received 5 nominations! AND, the thing that has got all the journalists in a right old tizz is that this is the first time in 8 years that a white rock band has been nominated for Best Group/Duo!! Their other nominations are for Best Rock Album and also Best Pop Album. What makes all of this even more fabulous is that all the other nominees have been in the business for a number of years and are well established artists. But wait for it, this is just the start of Cassette rocking the veritable boat - and house!
Now, I insist you go directly to and then go out and buy their album Welcome Back to Earth!